The Epilepsy Foundation provides New York City’s only specialized job development and vocational services program for people with epilepsy. The Foundation vocational staff has an outstanding record of locating available jobs and helping people with epilepsy enter and remain in the work force. Our individually tailored program admits a wide range of individuals, including persons with varied or even no past work experience.

The Foundation works with people in the following ways:

  • We help them identify their interests and abilities
  • We help them develop and improve work related skills
  • We help them develop their resume and any other necessary documents
  • We help them search for appropriate opportunities
  • We help prepare them to present themselves effectively to potential employers

A special state-funded division of the Foundation called Employment Solutions specializes in persons with limited or no work experience. In addition to the assistance already described, Employment Solutions emphasizes job development, and once placed, provides ongoing vocational support, including at the job location where appropriate, to ensure that jobs are kept.

Please call The Vocational Services Division of The Epilepsy Foundation at 212-677-8550 to find out more information or to schedule an appointment.